Hi Everyone who is still following my blog,
First let me apologise for not making any further entry into my blog since 17 Feb this year. I am hoping to make up for it now that I have more time here in chilly Chicago with Chris and May Yen and my three adorable grandkids.
I arrived on 20 April just in time to join the Gospel Coalition Pastors conference held at Donald Stephen convention centre located close to O Hare airport. Therefore, I didnt actually leave the airport precints until after the end of the conference on 23 April but stayed at a hotel adjacent to the convention centre. It was going to be too difficult for Chris to drive me to and from the convention centre each of the 3 days of the conference seeing that we start early and ended very late at night. And Chris lived about an hour away from the airport and had only one car that his entire family shared.
The conference was led by my favourite theologian/author, Proff D A Carson - his picture with me was posted on my blog earlier. There were also other outstanding speakers like Ps Tim Keller, author of the best selling book, Reason for God (available at all book stores not only in Christian book stores, and a 'must read'), Ps Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill church (do try to download his Sunday sermons on his church's website, the church is one of the fastest growing churches in USA and attracts mostly young professional adults), and John Piper.
The conference was rather intensive with workshops in the afternoons but was worth attending; it covered expository preaching on 2 Timothy and centred on the importance of being gospel centred in our lives and Christian ministry.
Another highlight of my stay in Chicago thus far has been the 3 hour lecture with Chris in his New Testament class. His lecturer, a lady professor, Dr Harris, was an excellent teacher expounding the book of Hebrews. I plan to go with him again this Wednesday to attend this week's lecture by her i think on the books of 1,2,3 John, Jude and Revelation. This is a real spiritual feast of the bible for me and I am thoroughly savouring this ):
And of course, I am also thoroughly enjoying my grandkids especially Gracie. She is so chatty and clever at speaking that she is both amusing and amazing to be with. Her comprehension skills and responses are quite incredulous for a child who will only turn two in June this year.
She has learnt to also negotiate for 'deals' to get her lollies or icee poles.
The weather in Chicago is still coooold despite it being already April. But the flowers are in full bloom and everywhere even on five foot paths and in the front lawns of homes, you get to see daffodils and tulips of every colour in full bloom..... even in the front lawn of Chris' rented property. It does invoke joy and pleasure to see such beauty, the artistic creativity of our Lord.
I will post my reflections on Numbers and Deuteronomy shortly, pls look out for these. And then next week proceed with Joshua, Judges and Ruth.
To my YA Leaders, a big thank you for keeping the fort for me in my absence. And thank you also to all young adults that are supporting them in the work of His ministry,
A Peggy
Monday, May 4, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Too cool for school
Here I am in Chicago with D A Carson. I'm thrilled to be here at the cutting edge of Pauline studies, concentrating on "Acts and Pauline Epistles".
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
By the end of this week, you should have completed reading the entire book of Leviticus and Matthew. I will not likely comment on Matthew at this stage due to backlog of work but I do want to comment on Leviticus because it is often considered a boring and irrelevant 'rule book' for the Israelites in the wilderness, not applicable to the church today.
Contrary to this common view, I find this book fascinating. I urge you to read this book with a different lens - a lens to seek the ways of our God and to know how He would like us to live, not necessarily in the particular prescriptions of the law set out there but in their underlying principles on HOW to relate to Him and other people, people who like us, are to be treated as God's image-bearers - with dignity, grace, kindness and God's love.
If we put on the God-lens, we will see our God as He is, full of grace and truth .... commanding us to show His grace to the marginalised in society, requiring us to live in integrity and honesty, and modelling what it means to be a covenant keeper, even when the other covenant-party is unfaithful. He remains faithful because He cannot deny Himself (His own character of integrity and faithfulness) - 2 Tim 2:13. Such is the integrity of character that we are to emulate and aim for.
Leviticus, meaning 'pertaining to the Levites' is actually not intended only for the Levites or priests but is God's address (through Moses) to the nation of Israel as they are 'parked' at Mt Sinai just after they have been led out of Egypt by YWYH - Exod 19:2. Here, at Mt. Sinai, YWYH sets out the laws which are to govern this newly constituted 'people of God', set free from the bondage of Pharaoh and beginning their journey to His Promised Land. These are the theocratic laws that will be administered by Moses on behalf of Israel's God-King, laws which will superintend the moral, civil and religious lives of God's own 'first-born son', Israel (Ex 4:22), laws which will help Israel to truly realise and enjoy their special relationship to Him ...as a 'peculiar' or special treasure unto Him above all people, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation (Ex 19:5,6)
These laws are commonly classified under three categories - moral, civil (for governing civil cases) and ceremonial (for priests and worship). Whilst all would readily agree the moral laws are timeless and abiding, most would perceive the civil and ceremonial laws as being no longer applicable at this time and in our society. We do now, have to abide by the civil laws of our country (rather than the Levitical civil laws) and we realise from Hebs chps 8 -10 that the Levitical animal sacrifices and priesthood (we are now all priests under the New Covenant) are superseded by Christ our High Priest, and His atoning work at Calvary.
Yet the New Testament clearly teaches us not to dismiss the Old Testament as irrelevant. On the contrary, Jesus and the NT writers particularly Apostle Paul, constantly referred to the Old Testament (referred to as 'Scripture' in the NT) as points of reference for teaching us about God, godly living and as a source of wisdom. Paul wrote in 2 Tim 3:16,17:
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect (spiritually mature) thoroughly equipped unto all good works.
The key to making sense of Leviticus for practical godly living is therefore to seek and apply the underlying principles or raison de'tre of these laws in as much as these reflect the character of God, His ways, and how we should live for Him. To help you do this, I highly recommend an excellent commentary on Leviticus by Dr Gordon Wenham. You can download a preview of his commentary, The New International Commentary on the Old Testament: The Book of Leviticus, from the internet. I am not equipped to give you the web link but you can find this preview of the 300+ paged commentary by doing a google search using these words - Gordon Wenham Leviticus. If any of you know the web link please post on this blog to help the others find this preview quickly. Here is the link
You will find in reading Leviticus with the right God-lens that He is full of grace and mercy, concerned for the marginalised - the poor, the orphan, the widow, the clergy (Levites) and the 'stranger' or foreigner in the land ( likely to be homeless, lost and lonely). He has set 'laws' which requires us to leave 'gleanings' of our harvest as it were to those who do not have fields to harvest. And laws which mandates magnanimity of heart, justice and mercy to 'servants' and those indebted to us. He even declared a year of Jubilee when all debts are totally forgiven and all servants/slaves set free. It is not the specific application of these laws that are relevant as we do not harvest fields or have servants/slaves but it is the heart of God that we catch from reading these laws, His heartbeat for faithfulness to Him and mercy, justice and agape love for others.
It is also in the ceremonial laws (in as much as in the moral laws) that we catch a glimpse of how much our God wants us to be 'holy' set apart and consecrated for Him above all others, all else. We also see from the laws that whilst He will not compromise in disciplining His 'son' for repeated disobedience, idolatry and rebellion, He will nevertheless NOT reject them because of His covenant with their forefathers. (Pls read Lev chp 26 thoroughly to see this.) Such is the integrity and faithfulness of our covenant abiding God who shows us what we as His covenant partners, should become.
I will go no further otherwise i will exceed the max allowed in this blog ): I do urge you to read Wenham's commentary, or at least pages 31-37 of the preview of his commentary, available on the net.
Gordon Wenham is an OT scholar and author of several books about the Bible. He read theology at Cambridge University, graduating in 1965 with distinction, and completed his Phd in 1970. He was until 2005, senior professor of Old Testament at the University of Gloucestershire, UK, a post he held for 10 years. He is currently lecturing at Trinity Theological College, Bristol, UK. The New International Commentary series on the Old Testament is an invaluable library resource for all those who are serious about bible study; the series can be purchased at Koorong and is a worth while spiritual investment.
Do tell me in my blog whether you have benefited from reading his commentary. I need to hear from more of you.
A Peggy
Thursday, February 12, 2009
In response to Danny Nalliah
Yesterday, I was asked by a church member what I thought of Danny Nalliah’s public attribution of Victoria’s bush fires to God’s judgement for the recently passed abortion laws, and the response of The Age to this.
My understanding of suffering is this:
Unless we are God, we shouldn’t play God. Like Martin Luther says, Let God be God and man be man. Instead we should be compassionate and give hope to the sufferers and comfort them, assuring them that God is in the midst of their suffering, that He understands what pain, injustice, ridicule, betrayal and suffering is like as He suffered all of these at Calvary though absolutely innocent and sinless. At times like these, we as Christians should offer practical relief, prayers and spiritual encouragement. We can also encourage these in the midst of their suffering and hopelessness, to turn to Him for comfort who is the 'God of all comfort' (2 Cor 1:3) and for hope even as Psalms repeatedly urges us to, "hope in God" - Ps 38:15; 42:5,11;43:5; 71:5.
I feel very sad when Christians tell victims that they are the object of God's judgement. There is no biblical support of this:
The Bible clearly shows that suffering and sicknesses can often be 'for the glory of God'' (Jn 11:4), for testing (for example in the explicit case of Job), in as much as it can be caused by sin (the healing of the paralytic in Matt 9:2 and the man at the Pool of Bethesda in Jn 5:14). Jesus Himself rebuked the Jews for imputing the judgement of God for those killed by the Tower of Siloam and those who died as martyrs under Pilate - Luke 13:1-5. God could have sent his angels to save His martyrs especially those who were sawn in two! These, "of whom the world was not worthy" - Hebs 11:38 - were hailed and honoured by God in Hebs 11 as heroes and heroines of faith ... awesome examples for us.
In evident tragedies like Sept 11, USA, or the genocide of the Jews in World War II, it is apparent that the suffering was caused by MAN and the evil in man. But in other tragedies eg natural disasters, who but God can really attest their reason and cause. It could be Man, Satan or God Himself. And even if it were God which human can say for certain that it was for judgement. After all we see now, but through a glass darkly, and in part (1 Cor 13:12).
For this reason, I beg to differ from Danny Nalliah. He might be totally confident that God showed him the fire was judgement for the Laws of abortion. That is his personal privilege and prerogative but to say this in public as if this were absolute God-truth, is in my mind, totally irresponsible and insensitive to the bush fire victims and their families at best, and cruel at worst.
I often recount a dear friend who suffered deep depression (for more than a year she couldn’t sleep nights without heavy dosage of sleeping tablets) when her son died and well meaning Christians told her that her son died on account of his parents’ sin and lack of faith. Until we met her and told her God's truth (that set her free from this guilt-ridden condemnation), she couldn’t find faith in Christ nor live normally, tormented with deep grief and condemnation. Why, why do Christians have to play Judge in times of sorrow and grief? And pass judgement which brings needless condemnation to those already unable to cope with their grief.
Did not Apostle Paul teach us that our ministry must bring life:
He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
2 Cor 3:6.
Let us who are counted faithful and put into the ministry by our Lord (1 Tim 1:12), be faithful in the ministry of His Word and ministers of life to those who are hurting in this fallen world 'ruled' by Satan.
A Peggy
My understanding of suffering is this:
Unless we are God, we shouldn’t play God. Like Martin Luther says, Let God be God and man be man. Instead we should be compassionate and give hope to the sufferers and comfort them, assuring them that God is in the midst of their suffering, that He understands what pain, injustice, ridicule, betrayal and suffering is like as He suffered all of these at Calvary though absolutely innocent and sinless. At times like these, we as Christians should offer practical relief, prayers and spiritual encouragement. We can also encourage these in the midst of their suffering and hopelessness, to turn to Him for comfort who is the 'God of all comfort' (2 Cor 1:3) and for hope even as Psalms repeatedly urges us to, "hope in God" - Ps 38:15; 42:5,11;43:5; 71:5.
I feel very sad when Christians tell victims that they are the object of God's judgement. There is no biblical support of this:
The Bible clearly shows that suffering and sicknesses can often be 'for the glory of God'' (Jn 11:4), for testing (for example in the explicit case of Job), in as much as it can be caused by sin (the healing of the paralytic in Matt 9:2 and the man at the Pool of Bethesda in Jn 5:14). Jesus Himself rebuked the Jews for imputing the judgement of God for those killed by the Tower of Siloam and those who died as martyrs under Pilate - Luke 13:1-5. God could have sent his angels to save His martyrs especially those who were sawn in two! These, "of whom the world was not worthy" - Hebs 11:38 - were hailed and honoured by God in Hebs 11 as heroes and heroines of faith ... awesome examples for us.
In evident tragedies like Sept 11, USA, or the genocide of the Jews in World War II, it is apparent that the suffering was caused by MAN and the evil in man. But in other tragedies eg natural disasters, who but God can really attest their reason and cause. It could be Man, Satan or God Himself. And even if it were God which human can say for certain that it was for judgement. After all we see now, but through a glass darkly, and in part (1 Cor 13:12).
For this reason, I beg to differ from Danny Nalliah. He might be totally confident that God showed him the fire was judgement for the Laws of abortion. That is his personal privilege and prerogative but to say this in public as if this were absolute God-truth, is in my mind, totally irresponsible and insensitive to the bush fire victims and their families at best, and cruel at worst.
I often recount a dear friend who suffered deep depression (for more than a year she couldn’t sleep nights without heavy dosage of sleeping tablets) when her son died and well meaning Christians told her that her son died on account of his parents’ sin and lack of faith. Until we met her and told her God's truth (that set her free from this guilt-ridden condemnation), she couldn’t find faith in Christ nor live normally, tormented with deep grief and condemnation. Why, why do Christians have to play Judge in times of sorrow and grief? And pass judgement which brings needless condemnation to those already unable to cope with their grief.
Did not Apostle Paul teach us that our ministry must bring life:
He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
2 Cor 3:6.
Let us who are counted faithful and put into the ministry by our Lord (1 Tim 1:12), be faithful in the ministry of His Word and ministers of life to those who are hurting in this fallen world 'ruled' by Satan.
A Peggy
Monday, February 2, 2009
If you are still following the Bible Reading Plan, you should be almost completing the book of Exodus (due to be completed by 6 Feb).
I will post my comments on this second book of the Torah below:
1. God's firstborn son, Israel vs the Son of God; the First Exodus vs the Second Exodus
In Genesis chapters 1-11, God told us His Story from the universal perspective ie How He created the Universe, Mankind, the Fall of Man, the Table of Nations, the Great Flood and the restart of His redemption plan with Noah and his family. Then from Gen chapter 12 (note this very important turn-key chapter) He zooms into the Story of His re-elected agent for His redemption plan, Abraham .... after Adam and Noah had failed Him.
Thereafter, Gen 12 right through to the end of the Old Testament tells the story or history of this ONE elect of God, Abraham, and of his family, the patriarchs of Israel, from the time of Abraham's election / calling to the rise and fall of the nation founded by him, Israel. Gen 12 to Malachi sets out God's actions and responses to His firstborn son, Israel (Ex 4:22), as this idolatrous nation repeatedly and wilfully disobeys and rebels against Him.
The entire Old Testament from Genesis 12 displays the great acts of grace and judgements of YWYH as He disciplines the son He loves, reflecting His awesome justice, love and mercy. And when His firstborn son, Israel, fails Him, He sends the Elect of God, His only begotten Son (Jn 3:16), to fulfil His Plan of Redemption. Where the first Israel fails, the second / true Israel succeeds so that all who are In Christ may be saved.
Which brings us to this concept of First and Second Exodus. The book of Exodus recounts a very historic moment in the history of the nation of Israel, that every Jew and Jewish family will undoubtedly cherish. The 'People of God', Israel, bonded as a slave in Egypt for 400 years is being delivered from Pharaoh's abusive enslavement with a Mighty Hand, with awesome miracles, signs and wonders. But what is more profound is the foreshadowing of this First Exodus led by Moses, Israel's deliverer of the Second or Final Exodus led by Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Great Deliverer of our souls from sin and the entrapment of Satan, the Pharaoh of this world we live in.
The First Exodus is from Egypt, the world of bondage and slavery to tyrannical Pharaoh. The Second/Final Exodus is from the world of sin ruled by the Prince/Ruler of this world, Satan (Jn 12:31; 14:30; 16:11; 2 Cor 4:4; Ephs 2:2). Deliverance in the Final Exodus is for FREEDOM ..... freedom from bondage to this world of sin so that we may intentionally make and successfully live out life choices that please our Great Deliverer and bring Glory to His Name! It is for freedom to daily live our lives as a 'reasonable act of worship' unto our Lord and Saviour (Roms 12:1) that Christ died for us.
Water baptism is specifically the sacrament enacted by Christ Himself to remind those that are "In Christ", His church, the true Israel .... that we are truly free from the bondage of sin (Satan's workshop), "dead indeed unto sin" and 'alive unto God' (Roms 6:11). He is our Great Deliverer in the Second or Final Exodus!
Water baptism is paralleled to the Israelites who were 'baptised in the sea' as they crossed the Red Sea, free indeed from Pharaoh and his pursuing army on the other side of the waters (1 Cor 10).
2. Life application of the Exodus narrative
1 Cor 10 reminds us that Israel's "forefathers were all under the cloud and that they all passed through the sea" (pre-figuring New Testament water and Spirit baptisms). Yet, most died in the wilderness; only Joshua and Caleb went into the Promised Land with the next generation of Israelites born in the wilderness. They were killed by God for their lust, idolatry, fornication, testing of Christ, and murmuring (1 Cor 10:6-10).
If there is any single thing that Exodus should do for you and I, it should provide a stark and fearsome reminder that we are not to assume that we are saved 'once and for all' just because we have said the sinners' prayer, and were water and Spirit baptised. These milestone events are critical for getting us started on the Exodus out of Bondage to 'Pharaoh' the 'world of Egypt'. Whether we attain and remain in the Kingdom of God however, will depend much on our journey of faithfulness and obedience in our Exodus journey.
If there is any single thing that Exodus should do for you and I, it should provide a stark and fearsome reminder that we are not to assume that we are saved 'once and for all' just because we have said the sinners' prayer, and were water and Spirit baptised. These milestone events are critical for getting us started on the Exodus out of Bondage to 'Pharaoh' the 'world of Egypt'. Whether we attain and remain in the Kingdom of God however, will depend much on our journey of faithfulness and obedience in our Exodus journey.
The story of Israel's idolatry, disobedience and wilful rebellion is set out in this second book of the bible, the Exodus (and in the next book, Numbers) to be "our examples" to the intent that we should not fall into the same pitfalls as Israel did in their Exodus some 3500 years ago (1 Cor 10:6) . So as we read the narratives in this book of Exodus, let us take particular note of these pitfalls, considering that much of which the Israelites did in provoking Moses and God we often do, wittingly or unwittingly.
For example, we are often quick to respond to God, "Yes, all that you say we will do" (Ex 19:5; 24:3,7) but nevertheless, fail to do, often again and again. We are quick to make promises and commitments but slow to keep them. We often fail to 'walk the talk' especially our private 'talk' with God, taking His grace and mercy for granted.
We are quick to blame others for adversities especially our leaders, no matter how well intentioned they may be or how best they are leading according to their understanding of God's will for His people. And do we not sometimes fall into the trap of challenging and murmuring against godly leadership as the Israelites did (Ex 15:24; 16:2:17:2)?
Are we not often tempted to look back into the world of sin that we have left and remorsefully wonder if we have missed out on its apparent 'goodies' (Ex 16:3; Nums 11:5)? Do we consistently remain grateful for our Exodus .... acknowledging, appreciating and enjoying the benefits of the Kingdom of God, here and now and anticipating with godly hope, the greater eternal benefits to come, "which no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived, that which God has prepared for those who love Him" (1 Cor 2:9).
Exodus is such a majestic book. It sets out the Mosaic Covenant, cut at Mt Sinai (Ex 19, 24). It contains the Decalogue, the Ten Commandments (Ex 20) which forms the framework and foundation of Constitutions and Civil Law in major continents. And much much more.
You need to read it again and again .... to savour the grandeur of this book.
A Peggy
p/s I will post my reflection on the rest of Matthew shortly ):
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Reflections on Matthew 1-13
I have picked two passages or pericopes to comment on:
1. The genealogy in Matthew 1
Most of us are tempted to gloss over this genealogy of Joseph, Mary's husband. But do read it again and note that there are many biblical characters in Jesus' lineage that are rather 'colourful' or 'unlikely' candidates for the messianic line.
King David in Matt 1:1 was an adulterer and murderer. Tamar in Matt 1:3 played the harlot and conceived Zara and Pharez (Jesus' ancestor) with her father-in-law, Judah. Matt 1:5 mentions Rahab, a prostitute and Ruth a Moabite (Moabites were viewed as 'unclean' people - Deut 23:3). And Matt 1:6 has Solomon born of Bathsheba, wife of Urias, an adulteress.
All this to demonstrate that "not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and the weak things of the world to confound the mighty, and the base and despised things of the world has God chosen, and things which are not to bring to nought things that are so that no flesh should glory in His presence." (1 Cor 1: 26-29).
This is not to mean that we can live the life of an adulterer, harlot or murderer because we have as much hope to still be used by God for His purpose. As Apostle Paul said in Roms 6:1.2, "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?"
Yes, God's grace cannot be under-rated. However, neither can it or should it be taken for granted or treated irreverently. The single passage that invariably reminds me of this is Hebrews 10: 26-31:
"For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses: Of how much sorer punishment, suppose you shall he be thought worthy, who has trodden under foot the Son of God, and has counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and has despised the Spirit of grace? .... It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."
Yes, God is gracious. He can still use the repentant sinner who will do His will for His glory even as He did with King David, murderer and adulterer, yet "a man after God's heart". But let us aim to intentionally and purposefully, live a 'blameless and harmless life in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom we are to shine as lights in the world' (Philippians 2:15) - for His glory. Let us not despise His grace nor ever want to tread under our feet, the precious blood of our Saviour and Lord.
Which brings me to the second passage that I have picked from Matthew:
2. Matthew 5:16
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
The Sermon on the Mount or the Beattitudes is a Lecture by Jesus on How we should think and live (after all, how we live or act is driven by how we think or our paradigms). Jesus said earlier in this pericope, that we are to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world ... so that our lives may bring glory to our Heavenly Father.
In everything we choose to think, say or do .... we can use this purpose-driven criterion to determine our choices that is, "Will it bring glory (now or in time) to our Heavenly Father?" Or will it bring disgrace, shame and dishonour to Him, His Kingdom, His church and His Name?
I will end this blog entry by reminding ourselves of what we are to live for as a bible believing, God fearing disciple of Christ:
"Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yes, I have made him." (Isaiah 43:7)
A Peggy
1. The genealogy in Matthew 1
Most of us are tempted to gloss over this genealogy of Joseph, Mary's husband. But do read it again and note that there are many biblical characters in Jesus' lineage that are rather 'colourful' or 'unlikely' candidates for the messianic line.
King David in Matt 1:1 was an adulterer and murderer. Tamar in Matt 1:3 played the harlot and conceived Zara and Pharez (Jesus' ancestor) with her father-in-law, Judah. Matt 1:5 mentions Rahab, a prostitute and Ruth a Moabite (Moabites were viewed as 'unclean' people - Deut 23:3). And Matt 1:6 has Solomon born of Bathsheba, wife of Urias, an adulteress.
All this to demonstrate that "not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and the weak things of the world to confound the mighty, and the base and despised things of the world has God chosen, and things which are not to bring to nought things that are so that no flesh should glory in His presence." (1 Cor 1: 26-29).
This is not to mean that we can live the life of an adulterer, harlot or murderer because we have as much hope to still be used by God for His purpose. As Apostle Paul said in Roms 6:1.2, "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?"
Yes, God's grace cannot be under-rated. However, neither can it or should it be taken for granted or treated irreverently. The single passage that invariably reminds me of this is Hebrews 10: 26-31:
"For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses: Of how much sorer punishment, suppose you shall he be thought worthy, who has trodden under foot the Son of God, and has counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and has despised the Spirit of grace? .... It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."
Yes, God is gracious. He can still use the repentant sinner who will do His will for His glory even as He did with King David, murderer and adulterer, yet "a man after God's heart". But let us aim to intentionally and purposefully, live a 'blameless and harmless life in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom we are to shine as lights in the world' (Philippians 2:15) - for His glory. Let us not despise His grace nor ever want to tread under our feet, the precious blood of our Saviour and Lord.
Which brings me to the second passage that I have picked from Matthew:
2. Matthew 5:16
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
The Sermon on the Mount or the Beattitudes is a Lecture by Jesus on How we should think and live (after all, how we live or act is driven by how we think or our paradigms). Jesus said earlier in this pericope, that we are to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world ... so that our lives may bring glory to our Heavenly Father.
In everything we choose to think, say or do .... we can use this purpose-driven criterion to determine our choices that is, "Will it bring glory (now or in time) to our Heavenly Father?" Or will it bring disgrace, shame and dishonour to Him, His Kingdom, His church and His Name?
I will end this blog entry by reminding ourselves of what we are to live for as a bible believing, God fearing disciple of Christ:
"Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yes, I have made him." (Isaiah 43:7)
A Peggy
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Set Bible Reading: Gen 20 -50 and Matt 1- 13
If you are following the set bible reading schedule, you would have completed the first book of the Bible, Genesis and also be almost half way through the first New Testament book, Matthew.
I have picked two characters described in Gen 20-50 for reflection and comment because we can draw much theological understanding and practical application significance from their lives:
1. Joseph
Joseph not only forgave his brothers for planning to kill him then selling him as a slave to Egypt but he assured them that what they did to him was an integral part of God’s plan to save lives during the famine. He saw the hand of God rather than his brother’s evil, in their betrayal of him. What an amazing (and correct) perception of God and His sovereignty in history and our personal lives! And what an attitude towards those who betrayed him!
Genesis 45:5; 50:1
Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that you sold me here; for God did send me before you to preserve life....But as for you, you thought evil against me, but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day to save much people alive.
When we face injustice, offences, betrayals etc, we are tempted to be angry or vindictive to the offender (s). Not Joseph, he did not forget that God is in control and that if these misdeeds were permitted by Him, then He had a bigger and better plan or purpose which might require these ‘trials of our faith’ (1 Pet 1:7). We need to learn to trust that God is always sovereign – in history and in our lives – and has only "plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future.” (Jer 29:11)
Many would say that ‘theology’ (the study of our God) is meant only for theologians. Not true, every Christian has to be able theologians … to know our God as He is and revealed to us in the Bible. Dr Gordon Fee, New Testament Professor of Regent College, Vancouver, another of my highly regarded scholars and teachers, urges all pastors to help their congregations become excellent ‘practical theologians’. The more we know God as revealed in the bible (not in the figment of our imagination or according to our ideology) the more secure and ‘complete’ (Cols 2:10) we can become in Christ, His Son, despite our life circumstances. And this is not ‘head knowledge’ but knowledge of God as lived out in our lives … as with Joseph.
Joseph was a par excellent practical theologian. He understood as well, that sin was “against God and God alone.” Hence in retort to Potiphar’s wife, he cried out,
Genesis 39:9
There is none greater in this house than I; neither has he (Potiphar) kept back anything from me but you, because you are his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?
Joseph did not say that he couldn’t and wouldn’t sin against Potiphar who had after all entrusted him with everything but his wife. He like King David in Psalm 51:4, understood that sin is always first and primarily against God Himself.
When we grasp this doctrinal truth regarding sin, it helps us to forgive those who have done evil or injustice to us. It helps us to release our ‘offenders’ and ‘offence’ to the ‘Judge of all the earth who will do that which is right and just’ (Gen 18:25) and against whom the sin is committed.
2. Judah
Jesus is from the line of Judah, we all know that. But why Judah? He is after all the fourth son of Jacob.
God is free to ‘elect’ whoever for fulfillment of His plan, especially His great plan of salvation for humanity. But let us look at why the first three sons of Jacob were disqualified from this messianic lineage.
Reuben was the first born. But he had defiled his father’s bed by having sexual relations with his father’s concubine, Bilhah (Gen 35:22).
Simeon and Levi were the second and third sons. But they committed murder and were ‘instruments of cruelty’ (Gen 49:5) when they plotted against Shechem and killed him, his son and all the males in the city – Gen 34.
So it is with us in our personal lives. I recollect someone asking me why someone he knew was clearly ‘called’ of God to serve as a pastor / minister could now no longer function as one. The answer is evident and simple. He had disqualified himself through personal moral sin.
We need to grasp Paul’s understanding of the privilege and serious responsibility of serving the Lord when he wrote to Timothy, “I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has enabled me, for that He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry.” It is the Lord Himself who puts us into the ministry and only because He has counted us faithful. Let us therefore be faithful to Him and the ministry that he has entrusted us with. Let us not disqualify ourselves from the blessing of being counted worthy of His calling.
As a postscript, Reuben of course is also much like Christ our Redeemer … willing to suffer in place of his brother, Benjamin, paying the ransom with his own life when Joseph uncovered the money that he had planted in his sack (Gen 43:9).
I will post my reflections of Matthews 1-13 separately.
A Peggy
Set Bible Reading: Gen 20 -50 and Matt 1- 13
If you are following the set bible reading schedule, you would have completed the first book of the Bible, Genesis and also be almost half way through the first New Testament book, Matthew.
I have picked two characters described in Gen 20-50 for reflection and comment because we can draw much theological understanding and practical application significance from their lives:
1. Joseph
Joseph not only forgave his brothers for planning to kill him then selling him as a slave to Egypt but he assured them that what they did to him was an integral part of God’s plan to save lives during the famine. He saw the hand of God rather than his brother’s evil, in their betrayal of him. What an amazing (and correct) perception of God and His sovereignty in history and our personal lives! And what an attitude towards those who betrayed him!
Genesis 45:5; 50:1
Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that you sold me here; for God did send me before you to preserve life....But as for you, you thought evil against me, but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day to save much people alive.
When we face injustice, offences, betrayals etc, we are tempted to be angry or vindictive to the offender (s). Not Joseph, he did not forget that God is in control and that if these misdeeds were permitted by Him, then He had a bigger and better plan or purpose which might require these ‘trials of our faith’ (1 Pet 1:7). We need to learn to trust that God is always sovereign – in history and in our lives – and has only "plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future.” (Jer 29:11)
Many would say that ‘theology’ (the study of our God) is meant only for theologians. Not true, every Christian has to be able theologians … to know our God as He is and revealed to us in the Bible. Dr Gordon Fee, New Testament Professor of Regent College, Vancouver, another of my highly regarded scholars and teachers, urges all pastors to help their congregations become excellent ‘practical theologians’. The more we know God as revealed in the bible (not in the figment of our imagination or according to our ideology) the more secure and ‘complete’ (Cols 2:10) we can become in Christ, His Son, despite our life circumstances. And this is not ‘head knowledge’ but knowledge of God as lived out in our lives … as with Joseph.
Joseph was a par excellent practical theologian. He understood as well, that sin was “against God and God alone.” Hence in retort to Potiphar’s wife, he cried out,
Genesis 39:9
There is none greater in this house than I; neither has he (Potiphar) kept back anything from me but you, because you are his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?
Joseph did not say that he couldn’t and wouldn’t sin against Potiphar who had after all entrusted him with everything but his wife. He like King David in Psalm 51:4, understood that sin is always first and primarily against God Himself.
When we grasp this doctrinal truth regarding sin, it helps us to forgive those who have done evil or injustice to us. It helps us to release our ‘offenders’ and ‘offence’ to the ‘Judge of all the earth who will do that which is right and just’ (Gen 18:25) and against whom the sin is committed.
2. Judah
Jesus is from the line of Judah, we all know that. But why Judah? He is after all the fourth son of Jacob.
God is free to ‘elect’ whoever for fulfillment of His plan, especially His great plan of salvation for humanity. But let us look at why the first three sons of Jacob were disqualified from this messianic lineage.
Reuben was the first born. But he had defiled his father’s bed by having sexual relations with his father’s concubine, Bilhah (Gen 35:22).
Simeon and Levi were the second and third sons. But they committed murder and were ‘instruments of cruelty’ (Gen 49:5) when they plotted against Shechem and killed him, his son and all the males in the city – Gen 34.
So it is with us in our personal lives. I recollect someone asking me why someone he knew was clearly ‘called’ of God to serve as a pastor / minister could now no longer function as one. The answer is evident and simple. He had disqualified himself through personal moral sin.
We need to grasp Paul’s understanding of the privilege and serious responsibility of serving the Lord when he wrote to Timothy, “I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has enabled me, for that He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry.” It is the Lord Himself who puts us into the ministry and only because He has counted us faithful. Let us therefore be faithful to Him and the ministry that he has entrusted us with. Let us not disqualify ourselves from the blessing of being counted worthy of His calling.
As a postscript, Reuben of course is also much like Christ our Redeemer … willing to suffer in place of his brother, Benjamin, paying the ransom with his own life when Joseph uncovered the money that he had planted in his sack (Gen 43:9).
I will post my reflections of Matthews 1-13 separately.
A Peggy
Thursday, January 15, 2009
My first Lecture at Trinity
This morning, Thursday over here in Chicago (Friday in Melbourne), I attended a lecture at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS) for the first time since my arrival on 11 Dec. The semester started only this week and Chris had arranged permission for me to sit into any Masters or Doctoral class of my choice ):
So I made a bee-line to attend Dr D A Carson's class on 'Acts and the Epistles' for postgrad students. It is a 2 hour class attended by some 50 students, mostly male I noticed.
Those of you who have attended my bible study class on the Gospel of John will understand why I made a bee-line for this class. Dr Carson is one of my favourite bible scholars and New Testament theologians. My bible study class is based largely on his 700 page commentary on the Gospel of John and FF Bruce's New Testament History (FF Bruce is another of my favourite bible study authors). I took a photo with him and will get Chris to post this on my blog when I return home at the end of today as I am now heading to another lecture on the Poetic and Prophetic Books by Dr Van Gemeran, one of my favourite authors on the Old Testament.
This lecture will be a 3 hour lecture with only 2 ten minute toilet breaks! Sounds intimidating doesnt? But I have attended these 3 hour lectures at TEDS before ie when Cherie, my daughter, was doing her MA with TEDS six years ago. At that time, I also sought permission to sit into their classes probono and thoroughly enjoyed the high standard and in-depth teaching of their Professors so much that I didnt notice how time flies!
It is so sad that I have to leave TEDS at the end of this month as I will miss the large part of the course given that the semester has just begun. The Summer classes which begin in June are not really my cup of tea - mostly Greek and Greek related subjects - and the Professors that I highly regard like Van Gemeran, D A Carson, Averbeck, Graeme Coles are starting very interesting classes at the start of the NEXT semester which I believe only begins in September. So I am in a dilemna because Chris did not have the subject time-table until recently and I had thus far, planned to be back in Chicago to do the summer modules, not the next semester courses ... sigh.
We'll see ..... I might 'exchange' travel schedules with U Ong and let him come for Summer so that I can come for the September classes. The trouble is that these classes run for 4-5 months and I can probably only stay for a max. of 2 months so I will also miss the full run of the classes .... sigh.
Have to run, lecture is about to start and I am rushing to catch a cuppa in their cafe before joining this very long session of lecture.
A Peggy
p/s I will post my reflections on the bible reading set for the second week of Jan soon. Keep watch.
So I made a bee-line to attend Dr D A Carson's class on 'Acts and the Epistles' for postgrad students. It is a 2 hour class attended by some 50 students, mostly male I noticed.
Those of you who have attended my bible study class on the Gospel of John will understand why I made a bee-line for this class. Dr Carson is one of my favourite bible scholars and New Testament theologians. My bible study class is based largely on his 700 page commentary on the Gospel of John and FF Bruce's New Testament History (FF Bruce is another of my favourite bible study authors). I took a photo with him and will get Chris to post this on my blog when I return home at the end of today as I am now heading to another lecture on the Poetic and Prophetic Books by Dr Van Gemeran, one of my favourite authors on the Old Testament.
This lecture will be a 3 hour lecture with only 2 ten minute toilet breaks! Sounds intimidating doesnt? But I have attended these 3 hour lectures at TEDS before ie when Cherie, my daughter, was doing her MA with TEDS six years ago. At that time, I also sought permission to sit into their classes probono and thoroughly enjoyed the high standard and in-depth teaching of their Professors so much that I didnt notice how time flies!
It is so sad that I have to leave TEDS at the end of this month as I will miss the large part of the course given that the semester has just begun. The Summer classes which begin in June are not really my cup of tea - mostly Greek and Greek related subjects - and the Professors that I highly regard like Van Gemeran, D A Carson, Averbeck, Graeme Coles are starting very interesting classes at the start of the NEXT semester which I believe only begins in September. So I am in a dilemna because Chris did not have the subject time-table until recently and I had thus far, planned to be back in Chicago to do the summer modules, not the next semester courses ... sigh.
We'll see ..... I might 'exchange' travel schedules with U Ong and let him come for Summer so that I can come for the September classes. The trouble is that these classes run for 4-5 months and I can probably only stay for a max. of 2 months so I will also miss the full run of the classes .... sigh.
Have to run, lecture is about to start and I am rushing to catch a cuppa in their cafe before joining this very long session of lecture.
A Peggy
p/s I will post my reflections on the bible reading set for the second week of Jan soon. Keep watch.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Set Bible Reading: Gen 1 -19 and Matt 1-6
Genesis 1:27
God made man in His own Image, In the image of God He made mankind, male and female
I am reminded that of all of God’s creation, only human mankind was created “In His Image” (Imageo Deo). But when Adam and Eve first sinned, this image was marred by sin so that the heart of man had become “deceitful above all things and desperately wicked” (Jer 17: 9).
From this I remind myself and you of these two things:
1. We were created in God’s image and from the day of redemption of our souls (and this image) by our beloved Christ, we need to intentionally outwork this Imageo Deo for the glory of our God, our Image-Maker. This means a lot of ‘dying to self’ – self will, self justification and self centeredness - a willful “decreasing of self so that He may increase” in us. (Jn 3:30).
This can only be achieved if we choose to live according to His life-manual, the Bible, and are daily “led by the Spirit” (Roms 8:14) in all of our life’s thoughts, decisions and actions. The Word of God, this wonderful book of life, and the Holy Spirit, our personal Counselor and Guide given to us until our Lord returns … these are like the two wings of a plane that we need to fly straight and high, for His Glory.
2. Because our hearts are intrinsically deceitful and wicked from the time of ‘the Fall’ (described in Gen 3), we need to constantly ask the Lord to “search our hearts and examine our minds” (Jer 17:10). He also said in Jer 17:10 that He will reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve.
Therefore, if we remain in self denial or self justification, not uncommon in human behavior and a consequence of our highly deceitful hearts so that every man considers what he does is right in his own eyes (Judges 21:25), the Lord Himself will check our hearts and examine our minds. And if we reject His conviction Jer 17:10 says the fruit of our deeds or conduct will soon catch up with us; God will reward according to our conduct and to what our deeds deserve.
Which brings me to my reflections on the next passage in this week’s Genesis reading.
Genesis 4:7
“If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."
I have picked this verse to comment on because it is commonly overlooked. Many have often queried why God did not accept Cain’s offering . Gen 4: 5 says that the Lord has no respect to his offering , unlike that of his brother, Abel. Is God partial? Will not the Judge of all the earth do the right thing? (Gen 18:25). Abraham, the friend of God, knew Him well when he asked this question.
The passage does not clarify why God did not respect Cain’s offering – speculations include that it was not his first fruit or he did not offer a sacrifice of blood etc. The point is missed. God asked Cain, “If you did well, will you not be accepted?”
This brings me to life application. If we are feeling depressed or low because our work (be it secular job or ministry work) is not accepted or viewed with respect by others especially our bosses, does that give us a right to wrong conduct and attitude. If we had done well, would not our work be accepted, even commended? We can never demand recognition … this will invariably be given if we do well. I know of no boss who will not want to retain and commend a staff who excels.
So the next time your work is not being accepted let alone commended, consider God’s question to Cain and re-assess your attitude and response to non acceptance of your work, lest you end up like Cain. You may be sporting a blind spot … nursing a deceptive heart as all humans commonly do. Ask your boss or a colleague, someone who has the courage to confront the truth with you … he/she will tell you why you are not doing well so that you can take steps to address this rather than envy or blame others. God gives grace to the humble and resists the proud (James 4:6).
Finally, I have selected to comment on the following passage from this week’s Genesis reading, because of its difficulty in interpretation. It may not have evident life application but addresses biblical history and the doctrine of angels, therefore has theological significance and life relevance if the following hermeneutical assessment is valid.
Genesis 6:2,4
The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose….There were giants in the earth in those days and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bore children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
It is commonly thought that “the sons of God” were angels who came down to earth and married attractive women, “daughters of men” and the ‘giants’ referred to in 6:4 were their offspring.
From a commentary search, it would appear that the ‘sons of God’ were rather, children of the godly line of Seth (Adam’s son after Cain had killed Abel) who intermarried the ungodly, from the line of Cain.
In context, Genesis chapters 4 and 5 describes two contrasting family lines – one which is godly, the line of Seth “when men began to call upon the name of the Lord” (Gen 4:26) from whom came Enoch who “walked with God” and Noah, “a just and perfect man who walked with God” (Gen6:9) and the other line who is associated with murder and polygamy, the descendants of Cain like Lamech. Hence, when Genesis 6 describes this union of the ‘sons of God’ with the ‘daughters of men’, it is likely referring to the union of the offspring of these two family lines. Remember the Bible didn’t originally have chapter divisions; chapter divisions were established centuries later.
It is also unlikely that the “sons of God” refer to angelic beings. Jesus Himself taught that angels do not marry (Lk 20:35,36). As spirit beings not physical sexual beings, they would not and could not have sexual relationships. And indeed if they were able and did sexually victimize human beings, why would God punish humanity through The Flood rather than the angelic beings. In contrast, the phrase “sons of God" is used commonly in the Bible concerning men, especially those who know the true God (Deut. 14:1, Hos. 1:10, Lk. 3:38, Jn 1:12, 1 Jn. 3:1).
The life application of this passage is the inadvisability of marriage between those who love and honour the God of our Bible and those who do not.
God’s prohibition of intermarriage between the people of God with those who do not know YWYH is a thread running throughout the Bible and particularly so in the Old Testament. Ezra for example, was very angry with the Israelites when he found that they had intermarried wives who did not worship the Lord and had them put away these “strange wives” (Ezra 10:19).
I will stop at these three selected passages. There is so much more one can write about the first 19 chapters of Genesis but the blog will be too long. So if you have any question or comment about ANY part of this set reading, just post your question or comment and I will respond. I will comment on Matthew the next time I write.
A Peggy
Set Bible Reading: Gen 1 -19 and Matt 1-6
Genesis 1:27
God made man in His own Image, In the image of God He made mankind, male and female
I am reminded that of all of God’s creation, only human mankind was created “In His Image” (Imageo Deo). But when Adam and Eve first sinned, this image was marred by sin so that the heart of man had become “deceitful above all things and desperately wicked” (Jer 17: 9).
From this I remind myself and you of these two things:
1. We were created in God’s image and from the day of redemption of our souls (and this image) by our beloved Christ, we need to intentionally outwork this Imageo Deo for the glory of our God, our Image-Maker. This means a lot of ‘dying to self’ – self will, self justification and self centeredness - a willful “decreasing of self so that He may increase” in us. (Jn 3:30).
This can only be achieved if we choose to live according to His life-manual, the Bible, and are daily “led by the Spirit” (Roms 8:14) in all of our life’s thoughts, decisions and actions. The Word of God, this wonderful book of life, and the Holy Spirit, our personal Counselor and Guide given to us until our Lord returns … these are like the two wings of a plane that we need to fly straight and high, for His Glory.
2. Because our hearts are intrinsically deceitful and wicked from the time of ‘the Fall’ (described in Gen 3), we need to constantly ask the Lord to “search our hearts and examine our minds” (Jer 17:10). He also said in Jer 17:10 that He will reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve.
Therefore, if we remain in self denial or self justification, not uncommon in human behavior and a consequence of our highly deceitful hearts so that every man considers what he does is right in his own eyes (Judges 21:25), the Lord Himself will check our hearts and examine our minds. And if we reject His conviction Jer 17:10 says the fruit of our deeds or conduct will soon catch up with us; God will reward according to our conduct and to what our deeds deserve.
Which brings me to my reflections on the next passage in this week’s Genesis reading.
Genesis 4:7
“If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."
I have picked this verse to comment on because it is commonly overlooked. Many have often queried why God did not accept Cain’s offering . Gen 4: 5 says that the Lord has no respect to his offering , unlike that of his brother, Abel. Is God partial? Will not the Judge of all the earth do the right thing? (Gen 18:25). Abraham, the friend of God, knew Him well when he asked this question.
The passage does not clarify why God did not respect Cain’s offering – speculations include that it was not his first fruit or he did not offer a sacrifice of blood etc. The point is missed. God asked Cain, “If you did well, will you not be accepted?”
This brings me to life application. If we are feeling depressed or low because our work (be it secular job or ministry work) is not accepted or viewed with respect by others especially our bosses, does that give us a right to wrong conduct and attitude. If we had done well, would not our work be accepted, even commended? We can never demand recognition … this will invariably be given if we do well. I know of no boss who will not want to retain and commend a staff who excels.
So the next time your work is not being accepted let alone commended, consider God’s question to Cain and re-assess your attitude and response to non acceptance of your work, lest you end up like Cain. You may be sporting a blind spot … nursing a deceptive heart as all humans commonly do. Ask your boss or a colleague, someone who has the courage to confront the truth with you … he/she will tell you why you are not doing well so that you can take steps to address this rather than envy or blame others. God gives grace to the humble and resists the proud (James 4:6).
Finally, I have selected to comment on the following passage from this week’s Genesis reading, because of its difficulty in interpretation. It may not have evident life application but addresses biblical history and the doctrine of angels, therefore has theological significance and life relevance if the following hermeneutical assessment is valid.
Genesis 6:2,4
The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose….There were giants in the earth in those days and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bore children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
It is commonly thought that “the sons of God” were angels who came down to earth and married attractive women, “daughters of men” and the ‘giants’ referred to in 6:4 were their offspring.
From a commentary search, it would appear that the ‘sons of God’ were rather, children of the godly line of Seth (Adam’s son after Cain had killed Abel) who intermarried the ungodly, from the line of Cain.
In context, Genesis chapters 4 and 5 describes two contrasting family lines – one which is godly, the line of Seth “when men began to call upon the name of the Lord” (Gen 4:26) from whom came Enoch who “walked with God” and Noah, “a just and perfect man who walked with God” (Gen6:9) and the other line who is associated with murder and polygamy, the descendants of Cain like Lamech. Hence, when Genesis 6 describes this union of the ‘sons of God’ with the ‘daughters of men’, it is likely referring to the union of the offspring of these two family lines. Remember the Bible didn’t originally have chapter divisions; chapter divisions were established centuries later.
It is also unlikely that the “sons of God” refer to angelic beings. Jesus Himself taught that angels do not marry (Lk 20:35,36). As spirit beings not physical sexual beings, they would not and could not have sexual relationships. And indeed if they were able and did sexually victimize human beings, why would God punish humanity through The Flood rather than the angelic beings. In contrast, the phrase “sons of God" is used commonly in the Bible concerning men, especially those who know the true God (Deut. 14:1, Hos. 1:10, Lk. 3:38, Jn 1:12, 1 Jn. 3:1).
The life application of this passage is the inadvisability of marriage between those who love and honour the God of our Bible and those who do not.
God’s prohibition of intermarriage between the people of God with those who do not know YWYH is a thread running throughout the Bible and particularly so in the Old Testament. Ezra for example, was very angry with the Israelites when he found that they had intermarried wives who did not worship the Lord and had them put away these “strange wives” (Ezra 10:19).
I will stop at these three selected passages. There is so much more one can write about the first 19 chapters of Genesis but the blog will be too long. So if you have any question or comment about ANY part of this set reading, just post your question or comment and I will respond. I will comment on Matthew the next time I write.
A Peggy
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Thanks Bryan,You are the only one who has bothered to write on my blog ): and I do appreciate your kindness and well wishes.
Are you and Vernis going to read the Bible in one year ie 09, with me? If you have, you should have finished 21 chapters of Genesis and 7 chapters of Matthew according to the bible reading schedule sent out by Hui Yi. I will tomorrow, post on this blog my comments and some points for reflection re the set reading for this first week of the year. We are one day behind in Chicago, it is only Tuesday 6 Jan here.
How is your Dad and Mum faring in their new house and have you all moved to it?
It is still very cold and tomorrow school for Rachel and Nicky may be cancelled because of snow storm. They started school only this week at a nearby school and both seem to take to their new classmate friends and teachers.
Cherie and Jasen with their 2 boys will be joining us in Chicago on 24 Jan and U Ong and I will then travel with them back to Melbourne on 27 Jan stopping over in Honolulu for 3 days.
Are you and Vernis going to read the Bible in one year ie 09, with me? If you have, you should have finished 21 chapters of Genesis and 7 chapters of Matthew according to the bible reading schedule sent out by Hui Yi. I will tomorrow, post on this blog my comments and some points for reflection re the set reading for this first week of the year. We are one day behind in Chicago, it is only Tuesday 6 Jan here.
How is your Dad and Mum faring in their new house and have you all moved to it?
It is still very cold and tomorrow school for Rachel and Nicky may be cancelled because of snow storm. They started school only this week at a nearby school and both seem to take to their new classmate friends and teachers.
Cherie and Jasen with their 2 boys will be joining us in Chicago on 24 Jan and U Ong and I will then travel with them back to Melbourne on 27 Jan stopping over in Honolulu for 3 days.
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